Ausstellung und Symposium:"Hallo
Veranstalter Institut für Interaktive Raumprojekte in Zusammen-
arbeit mit der Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien
Konzept/Kuratorin Gertrude Moser-Wagner
Projektorganisation Claudia Mongini
Fotos der Ausstellung
und des Symposium
Konzept - Folder
Eigene eingebundene künstlerische Arbeit:
Physics Today: Lise Meitners Machine
Paper presentation at:"Connect, continue, create"
Amsterdam Juli 11-13, 2010.
Title: "Heterogenesis and enunciation."
Paper presentation at: "gilbert simondon: transduction, translation,
transformation" Paris May 27-28, 2010.
Title: "Recreating the individual: Simondon after Stengers."
Soon to appear in online magazine Appareil.
Invited speaker to the National Meeting: "Donne
e Scienza",
Naples 17-19 Sept 2009.
Title of the paper : A which´s flight: knots and bifurcations between
scientific and aesthetic paradigms.
Paper presentation at:
Connect Deleuze, transdisciplinary perspectives. Cologne 10-12 Aug 2009
Title of the paper : Individuation of collective memories
Abstract Paper
Conception and Organization of the Symposium:
Cartographies of sensation: Between Emotion
Feeling and Affect in Art Philosophy an Science
Vienna, 14-15 Nov 2008