Tag Archives: reading group

Machinic concepts for feminist hackers
Workshop held at Miss Baltazar’s laboratory on gender, becoming, individuation in relation to issues concerning the space at hand, which is both a hacker space for women and trans and an atelier (with short texts by Rosi Braidotti and Erin Manning). A second session will be held in January

Today, 18.00h, reading group in the new location of Miss Balthazar’s Laboratory, Sechshauserstr. 28, Erdgeschoss, 1150 Wien.
We will start with the lectures Michel Foucault held between 1981 and 82: “L’hermeneutique du sujet”. The reading will be carried on biweekly.
The main concern is to collectively engage into the topic of the “care of the self” and reflect upon its contemporary biopolitical inferences. (Organized together with Katharina Jesberger.